How Much Does a Garage Addition Cost?

Cost of Garage Addition: Growing Needs, Storage, Convenience, Protection.

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Cost For Garage Addition

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building a 1 to 3 car garage

Costs Adding A Garage To An Existing Home

Average costs to add a garage addition to your house typically start around $6,700. Two car garage additions the cost begin to go upwards to $27,177 depending upon how complex the structure is. Depending on the scope of the project you’ll need electricians, painters, roofing, and maybe flooring. Average costs per square foot range from $45 – $55 per square foot. 2 Car garage additions typically come in around 340 square feet.

A garage addition is a great way to add useful functionality to your home. It can serve as a way to protect your vehicle and also serve to protect you from nature as you arrive home and leave your home every day. Many homeowners also add a garage to their home because they plan on using it as a workshop or for storage.

Another excellent benefit of having a garage is the ability to eventually convert your garage into functioning living space in the future, rather than having to commit to an even more costly garage addition.

Getting Started on Your Garage Addition

Aside from the important topic of the costs associated with a garage addition, there are a few other aspects of the project that warrant careful consideration before deciding to go forward.

One of the most impactful precautions you absolutely ought to investigate is your local land use ordinances. Depending on the size of your lot and the specific rules set forth in your jurisdiction, you could potentially run into a legal problem preventing your garage addition plans from coming to fruition.

The best way to get to the bottom of the permitting issue is to visit your local municipal office and inquire about restrictions and related permits. Some contractors will also have their own relationship with local authorities and may be able to fast-track your permitting process if one applies to your particular project plans.

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What Will A Garage Addition Cost?

For the sake of this cost estimation, we’ll discuss material costs for the structure of your garage addition itself without extensive interior finishings. As many of you who have experience with renovating or adding onto your home will know, the finishings you choose can have a significant impact on the final cost of your project.

The cost of a garage addition will also sway greatly depending on the size of the garage you intend to add, among other variables. Here, we’ll consider some of the most common types of garage additions and their related costs.

Construction cost: This cost typically has two components: materials and labor. Lumber, wires, pipes, roofing type, doors, windows and fixtures make up materials cost. Labor cost: Labor is what it will cost for the contractors paid to put the garage addition onto your house.

A basic one car garage addition will cost about $2500 in materials, plus labor. A more upscale, attractive one car garage addition will cost a bit more. Expect to spend closer to about $4500 in material costs for a more high-end single car garage addition.

A standard two car garage addition will run you approximately $15,000 plus labor and interior finishings. If you’re after a two-car garage with a functional loft living space included above the parking area, expect to spend about $25,000 in total for materials alone.

Labor charges can range a bit depending on how you choose to outfit your garage both on the interior and on the exterior as well. Carpenters tend to charge about $70 per hour, while painters charge only about $35 per hour. For any required electric work, expect to spend between $65 and $85 dollars per hour.

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custom garage

How Will Your Garage Addition Affect Resale Value of Your Home?

Before you decide whether or not a garage addition is a wise investment, be sure to take resale value into consideration. According to most published data, you can expect to recoup approximately 80% of the cost of your garage addition by way of additional home resale value. This means that a $30,000 garage addition is likely to add approximately $24,000 to the value of your home.

Connected or Stand-Alone?

The costs detailed in this guide assume that you’ll be pouring a concrete slab and setting your new garage near your home, but not connected to it. An attached, or connected, garage addition will undoubtedly cost more. Expect to spend anywhere between $4,000 and $7,500 in extra costs if an attached garage addition is your wish.

Another benefit to choosing a detached garage, in addition to cost considerations, is the visual appearance of the new garage relative to the size and shape of your home. If you have a small or modest-sized house, it’s not a great idea to hastily tack a giant two-car garage with a loft onto your home.

What will end up happening, if you’re not careful is you can end up making the combined structure of your home and garage look rather awkward relative to each other. Be sure to consider how your home and property will look from a curb appeal standpoint before deciding to start a project.

A garage addition adds value and utility to your home, but it will certainly come at a cost. If you have the proper amount of land and the requisite budget to begin a garage addition project, you’ll probably really enjoy the final result. Click the button below to get started with some no-obligation, 100% free estimates from some local contractors experienced in garage addition projects.

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